IBM Networking Technical Tip


Revised: 07/17/2000
Subject: PIPER Sound Adapter Compatability

This tip applies to the following product(s):

IBM Auto LANStreamer MC32 Adapter - -ALL-
IBM Auto LANStreamer PCI Adapter - -ALL-
IBM Dual LANStreamer MC32 Adapter - -ALL-
IBM Triple LANStreamer PCI Adapter - -ALL-

ALERT 2387E,  Internal Adapter errors, or Underruns.

PIPER SOUND adapters that are produced PRE MAY 1996, can have arbitration
problems which may cause the LANstreamers to fail with internal adapter
errors (underruns), which can lead to ALERT 2387E or other errors.  

Reported differences with the sound adapter are arbitration problems
on the bus and hogging the bus because the DMA arbitration level    
is at such a high priority (0). This prevents the Lanstreamer Adapter

from getting sufficient bus bandwidth to process data from the LAN,  
thus underruns and internal errors occur.

PIPER upgraded the sound adapter hardware and the driver to work in        
the IBM Server 320, 520 and 720 (mca/pci split bus) PC's.

Contact PIPER for a solution.

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